Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dagwood with Gazpacho

I´ll start the ball rolling with an overly-simple meal, which really can't even be considered a recipe per se. But if I set the bar low to begin with, it can only go up from here, right? Besides, this particular meal is a good glimpse into my current stage in life: a mix of American and Spanish classical fare.

Yet another blog is birthed

Hence a new blog is born - a drop in the sea of web presences. But I must confess, at least at the outset, my reasons for starting this:
  • I love cooking, and wanted at least a minimal venue for sharing recipes and other cooking-related morsels I glean
  • Above all, I needed an excuse to try out Blogger. So if a post ever seems off-the-wall, not at all related to cooking, nerdy to the core, well... you've had fair warning!
My culinary background is all over the place: (New) Mexican, southwestern American, and classical Spanish, with smidgens of others thrown in along the way by international friends. So, variation is the rule of the day here.

There you have it.